Monday, February 28, 2011

Table methods using ValidateWrite() ValidateDelete() initValue() ModifiedField() - Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009

Table methods using ValidateWrite() ValidateDelete() initValue() ModifiedField()

initValue()This method file while creating new record to initialize a value, here I am assigning user id to the userID field.

public void initValue()
this.UserId = curuserid();

ValidateDelete()While deleting a record if we want to put any validation we can use this method. Here once I delete a record populating a info that deleted record.

public boolean validateDelete()
boolean ret;
ret = super();
return ret;


This method will get to fire when we update a record. here I am using to check mandatory field for address AccountNum

public boolean validateWrite()
boolean ret;
if(this.Address != "")
ret = super();
warning(" Please fill the address value");
return ret;


This method will execute if modified a record value, this works based on the field value.
Here I am using to fill the name field value according to the AccountNum

public void modifiedField(fieldId _fieldId)
CustTable ct;
case fieldNum(Cust_new,AccountNum) :
this.Name = CustTable::find(this.AccountNum).Name;


  1. Nice Post...Good For New Generation of Ax

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